Your Unique Religion by George Breed

Your Unique Religion by George Breed

Each person has a religion. Each person is a religion. A religion is a path to which you swear obedience over and over. A religion is a consciousness realm you inhabit. It is both a linear path and a point of awareness. This linear path circles on itself as you age, producing a spiral of continuity. At the core of the spiral is the ongoing point of awareness. The consciousness realm that you ARE is your religion.

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Transition by George Breed

Transition by George Breed

My son asked me long ago why as people get older they tend to get more religious. As an older person, 79 in a few months, I think I can now more adequately address that question. In my case, it is not so much that I am more religious in the sense of church attendance unless by church is meant the realm of Nature plus the actions of daily life, especially the latter. 

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Visions and Similitudes by George Breed

Visions and Similitudes by George Breed

"…and I have multiplied visions, and used similitudes…" Hosea 12:10

The Originator is speaking through the imaginative realm of a poet seer. The imaginative realm is not “just his imagination.” When the mind is opened to the cosmic, opened beyond animal fantasies of food, sex, and entertainment, when boundaries fade away, vision comes. Mystery unfolds, words come. From where do they come except from beyond? Beyond the skin boundary, beyond the narcissistic gaze of self reflection, beyond the chit chatter of self talk. Beyond.

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The Door That You Are by George Breed

The Door That You Are by George Breed

When we open our eyes to our inner universe with its hopes, its dreams, its fears, its gods and demons (which we now call psychological complexes), and we then open our eyes to the outer universe with its grass and trees and animals and stars and galaxies, we find that we are a gateway between the two. We are a gate between the inner and the outer universe. 

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Total Vulnerability by George Breed

Total Vulnerability by George Breed

Many believe that we go to a heaven or hell after we die. Heaven is viewed by many as a place of effortless repose. Hell is viewed as a place of effort and torment. What if our situation right now is that we have already died, that this reality right here, right now is heaven and hell? Swedenborg indicates such. In his visits to the afterlife, he found that many folk did not know they had died and kept themselves in their old familiar state of semi-darkness or gloom though they had the opportunity to expand into the Light.

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